[JBookTrader] forex data and parameters for search
Puru Parthasarathy
2014-09-25 15:29:09 UTC

Great to see a nice discussion group. I was wondering if any one has jbooktrader data on fx and is willing to share in exchange of future data sharing on my part?

More importantly I would like to know roughly what my scale parameters should be for a cash contract, I can see book balance around the same orsrr og magnitude as the price for EUR.

Any pointers?
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Eugene Kononov
2014-09-25 16:13:52 UTC
Hi Puru, and welcome to the JBT group.

As you probably know, the cash (spot) currency contracts do not have a
centralized exchange, so the book data is rather segmented (i.e., it is
broker-specific). IB does show the limit order book for the spot
currencies, and you can use it with JBT, but that order book if formed by
just a few participant dealers. The currency futures, on the other hand, do
trade on the centralized exchange (CME in particular), so if your
strategies revolve around analyzing the order flow and market
micro-structure as implied by the limit order book, I would think that the
currency futures would be better instruments than the spot currencies.

On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 11:29 AM, Puru Parthasarathy <
Post by Puru Parthasarathy
Great to see a nice discussion group. I was wondering if any one has
jbooktrader data on fx and is willing to share in exchange of future data
sharing on my part?
More importantly I would like to know roughly what my scale parameters
should be for a cash contract, I can see book balance around the same orsrr
og magnitude as the price for EUR.
Any pointers?
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Puru Parthasarathy
2014-09-25 16:22:12 UTC
Got it, thanks. Unfortunately I might be limited to trade spot for conflict of interest reasons, will let you know if I have any success. My questions still remain for those who have tried spot forex, so any responses are appreciated.
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Eugene Kononov
2014-09-25 21:03:04 UTC
Hey Puru, I know this is off-topic, but I noticed that you work for SEC, so
I was wondering if you have any insight into what kind of impact would the
recently implemented Rule 575 might have on the dynamics of the market
micro-structure. Thanks.

On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 12:22 PM, Puru Parthasarathy <
Post by Puru Parthasarathy
Got it, thanks. Unfortunately I might be limited to trade spot for
conflict of interest reasons, will let you know if I have any success. My
questions still remain for those who have tried spot forex, so any
responses are appreciated.
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Puru Parthasarathy
2014-09-26 02:56:18 UTC
Hi Eugene

575 as I understand is a rule adopted by cme cbot nymex and comex under cftc's regime, so not directly related to sec rulemaking.
Generally we are not in a position to offer comments on such matters, as you can imagine.
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Eugene Kononov
2014-09-26 03:00:14 UTC
Right, I forgot that you guys do not regulate the futures markets.

On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 10:56 PM, Puru Parthasarathy <
Post by Puru Parthasarathy
Hi Eugene
575 as I understand is a rule adopted by cme cbot nymex and comex under
cftc's regime, so not directly related to sec rulemaking.
Generally we are not in a position to offer comments on such matters, as you can imagine.
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